Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Average American: Brainwashed?

Big government is popular in the U.S. When describing this phenomenon, radical Libertarians are fond of using rhetoric suggesting that the average American has been "brainwashed" or duped. This is an unwise thing to do, because it is being disrespectful of the average American voter. The average person does not like being told that they have been brainwashed or duped. It is also rather ridiculous to suggest that if the average person had not been brainwashed or duped, then they would necessarily be raving, radical libertarians.


Blogger Morgue said...

The average person who believes that bigger government will solve their problems HAS been duped.
Statists use Utopian promises and class/race envy to bring the people to their side and grant them the supreme power they "need" to "solve" their problems.
Marxism (and other Statist philosophies) sound or "feel" good because they promise things like "equality" and "free stuff" for things we take for granted anyway (i.e. freedom).
The tragedy is the people who support Statism, but aren't part of the political elite class, will be left out in the cold once they're no longer useful to the Statist.

8:27 AM  

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