Monday, December 18, 2006

Are Libertarian Ideas Popular?

Most Libertarian Party members are populists. A populist is a person who believes that his ideas are popular - the masses agree with him. I have never been able to figure out why an LP member believes this, and why LP members believe this to be important. But it appears to be a critical article of faith in the LP. If you express doubt or disagreement with it, you are labeled unprincipled or "not a libertarian". But the fact is, most people do not agree with libertarian ideas. In my opinion, it would be better if libertarians would accept the fact that their ideas are unpopular, and design their strategy accordingly.


Blogger Roy Jacobson said...

Most Libertarian IDEAS are popular. Such as a more fiscally responsible government. Or more socially tolerant society. Although they are the third largest political party, the Libertarian PARTY is not so popular. The Democratic and Republican parties are by far too powerful to let any other party grow.

9:18 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with the above. Most Americans are moderate libertarians, but there is no party for them.I'm tring to change that with an attempt at a more moderate version of the libertarian party. It's in it's very preliniary stages but you have to start somewhere.

6:11 PM  

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